Welcome to the Video Rental Shop project! This application serves as a simulated video rental shop, allowing users to register, rent movies, and manage their accounts. The project utilizes NetBeans 18, Payara, and Apache Derby Server.
The Video Rental Shop project aims to provide a user-friendly interface for a video rental shop, offering essential features for managing user accounts, renting movies, and handling transactions. The use of NetBeans 18, Payara, and Apache Derby Server ensures a robust and scalable architecture.
- User Registration and Authentication: Users can easily register accounts and authenticate to access the rental services.
- Movie Rental and Premium Membership: Seamless movie rental with an option for premium membership benefits.
- Account Top-Up and Balance Management: Users can top up their account balances and manage their financial transactions conveniently.
To run the project locally, follow these steps:
- Download Netbeans 18:
https://netbeans.apache.org/front/main/download/nb18/ - Install payara server in netbeans:
https://blog.payara.fish/adding-payara-server-to-netbeans - Download Apache Derby and config in NetBeans:
https://netbeans.apache.org/tutorial/main/kb/docs/ide/java-db/ - Run project to create tables
- Run genres and movies SQL files in apache derby