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MilkManzJourDaddy edited this page Oct 29, 2017 · 6 revisions

Welcome! Creating a Wiki, FAQ, Glossary of Terms, and "roadmap" such as this has been suggested to the developers at Vector Creations Ltd. and any Matrix Foundation they may form. However it seems that Community Lead projects are often the way to get things done.

Please keep things objective, in descending alphanumeric order, orderly, concise, and factual insomuch as possible, and clarify where things might be unclear. Link to information sources on or a project's repository, where appropriate. I.e. for Matrix Specification or Documentation, Or, for a Riot client or other product of Vector Creations Ltd.:

If it is believed things might change, that is a "roadmap" item. If there is active discussion which may result in changes having effect on an item herein, please link to the issue tracking, or any other active discussion.

Also, GitHub automatically does something great with headers in Wiki pages, it makes them "Anchors", so links with "Fragments" can point directly to that spot on the page. With a little practice, such links can be copied when using touch-screens. Please create content with that in mind and learn to use this functionality as it is very helpful

For live help with Matrix, in a users' room which is unaffiliated and open to answering newbie questions, visit: .

For moderation issues and discussion of abuses or lack of moderation and community management, unaffiliated and neutral, visit: .

Thanks and enjoy!

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