AssetLibrary - file management tool. (Preloading, unloading, storing in local storadge )
Features :
manages asset using assetId
- support file definition.
- support path definition for easer management of files in same folders.
- support group definition, an array of files. (used for group pre-loading or unloading)
- in XML : paths can be nested in groups, or groups can be nested in paths.
files has these properties :
- id
- file name and path
- file type can be defined if not standard file extension is used.
- urlParams can be added for version control.
- files can be permanent or temporal. Permanent files can be downloaded only once, can't be unloaded, and only permanent files can be instantly retrieved.
allows to add files in 2 ways: dynamic with code, load from XML.
allows 2 ways of getting files: instant, send to handling function.
permanent file protection can be removed. (not recommended)
it's possible to pre-load single or group of files. (with progress tracking)
it's possible to unload single or group of files.
all errors are handled through one function. It can be changed to custom function.
allows to use local object as file storadge mechanizm.
Supported files:
- swf
- jpg, png, gif
- mp3
- xml
control over amount of simultaneous loads.
allows to set time for asset to expire automatical. (time for asset to be removed from cashe) {in progress}
In plans.
*xml stored as object.