This is the source code for the website. This is based on templates created by the JBoss Community using Awestruct and Bootstrap.
- Ruby 1.9.2 or above
- RubyGems - 1.3.6 or above
- Bundler - 1.3.5
- Try
sudo gem install bundler
- Try
- GNU WGet 1.14
Note: If you are using Mac OS X, you need to have the following setup:
- XCode. After installing XCode, you should go to
XCode -> Preferences -> Download
and install the command line (CLI) tools. - MacPorts
- You can install WGet using MacPorts:
sudo port install wget
- You need
:sudo port install libxml2 libxslt
- You will need Ruby >= 1.9.2. Mac OS Mountain Lion comes with 1.8.x. Using RVM and JewelryBox is probably the best way to manage and install several different versions of Ruby on OS X.
Run Awestruct in development mode from the top-level directory to build the website and host it using a local web server:
$ bin/
Use a web browser to visit http://localhost:4242 where you can see the site.
Staging is published on OpenShift. To do this, you must have SSH access to Infinispan's OpenShift account. After that, you must:
- Run
$ bin/
- Browse to
to test
To be able to publish to staging, you must:
- Have the following in your
Host *
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/libra_id_rsa
VerifyHostKeyDNS yes
StrictHostKeyChecking no
UserKnownHostsFile ~/.ssh/libra_known_hosts
- Have
in your~/.ssh
directory. Contact Infinispan project leads for these files.
If everyone is happy with staging then:
- Run
$ bin/
- Browse to
To be able to publish to production, you must have git push rights on Contact Infinispan project leads for such permissions.
Feel like contributing? Great! Read this page on how to contribute.