Turn your teensy4.1 into a slcan device, source code based on https://github.com/mintynet/teensy-slcan but using FlexCan_T4 library instead of FlexCAN.
Note: You'll need a 3.3V logic CAN transceiver (like the mcp2562) to interface the teensy with the can bus
Build using VScode and platformio
Tested on linux only\
You need FlexCan_T4 library installed on platformio for building
Build and Flash the program to the teensy using platformio (or your ide of choice)\
$ python3-can
$ can-utils
$ python -m can.viewer -c /dev/ttyACM0@2000000 -i slcan
$ sudo slcan_attach -f -s6 -o /dev/ttyACM0
$ sudo slcand -S 2000000 ttyACM0 can0
$ sudo ifconfig can0 up
$ candump can0
or open SavvyCan and set up a new socketcan device
$ sudo ifconfig can0 down
$ sudo killall slcand