This is a python script that I wrote to renew all the books I borrowed from my college's library.
Every week I needed to check on the library's app if any books passed the due date and click on the "renew" button if it did.
The fact is that I always forgot to do that, so I was paying the library fines everyweek.
So, instead of spending some minutes setting up reminders on my cellphone, I decided to spend some hours writing this script that checks all my borrowed books and renews them when reached the due date, as every programmer would do!
Then I setted up as a AWS Lambda script that runs the main.handler()
function and now I will never get fines anymore!
In summary, 5 steps are required:
- Login on the college's website
- Store the acess_token to use in future requests
- Make the request that list the borrowed books
- Check the due date of the book,and
- If it's the due date, make the renew request.
To discover the URLs and understand the college's API I used my browser DevTools.
So, logging on my account I saw that the request was:
POST /apiapp/login2 HTTP/1.1
With a body containing my username and password:
"username": "my-user",
"password": "my-pass-123"
Then I clicked on the list of books page and discovered that it was a POST to /apiapp/api/biblioteca/listaemprestimorenovavel
and I got a dict as reponse containing the renewable, non-renewable and the renewed books:
"renovaveis": [
"codigo": 3751947,
"ttl_nome": "Física I: mecânica",
"autor": "YOUNG, Hugh D.",
"mda_nome": "Livros",
"dtemprestimo": "2023-09-03T00:00:00",
"dtdevolucaoestimada": "2023-09-11T00:00:00",
"renovado": true
"codigo": 3749846,
"ttl_nome": "Cálculo",
"autor": "STEWART, James",
"mda_nome": "Livros",
"dtemprestimo": "2023-08-30T00:00:00",
"dtdevolucaoestimada": "2023-09-06T00:00:00",
"renovado": true
"naorenovaveis": [
"codigo": 0,
"ttl_nome": "Variáveis complexas e aplicações 3ed., 2013",
"autor": "ÁVILA, Geraldo",
"mda_nome": "Livros",
"dtemprestimo": "2023-09-05T00:00:00",
"dtdevolucaoestimada": "2023-09-12T00:00:00",
"renovado": false
"renovados": [
"codigo": 0,
"ttl_nome": "Variáveis complexas e aplicações 3ed., 2013",
"autor": "ÁVILA, Geraldo",
"mda_nome": "Livros",
"dtemprestimo": "2023-09-05T00:00:00",
"dtdevolucaoestimada": "2023-09-12T00:00:00",
"renovado": false
Now, having a book to renew, I clicked on the "Renew" button and saw a POST request to /apiapp/api/biblioteca/renovaobra
with only the code book on the body.
Alright, as I said before, in summary the script needs to login, list the books, check due date and renew. The main process is like the following:
def process(self):
borrowed_books = self.api.list_borrowed_books()
for book in borrowed_books:
The first used method list the renewable books:
# api/library_apy
def list_borrowed_books(self):
path = f'/api/biblioteca/listaemprestimorenovavel'
response = self.request('POST', path, headers=headers)
if response.status_code == 200:
content = json.loads(response.text)
borrowed_books = content.get('renovaveis')
return borrowed_books
except Exception as e:
Then, with the books, the script iterate through the list checking if needs to renew the book:
def renew_if_is_due_date(self, book: dict):
due_date = self.get_due_date(book)
if > due_date:
book_code = book['codigo']
def get_due_date(self, book: dict):
unformatted_due_date = book.get('dtdevolucaoestimada')
due_date = datetime.strptime(unformatted_due_date, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
return due_date
And the renew_book()
only makes a POST request with the book code to renew:
# api/library_apy
def renew_book(self, book_code):
path = f'/api/biblioteca/renovaobra'
body = {
'codigo': book_code
response = self.request('POST', path, body=body)
return response
except Exception as e:
Here are only the main steps of the code and you can check more deeply on the repo.
To host I used a AWS Lambda function with a trigger everyday at 00:10am, since the renewal dates are always at every midnight. Looking at the logs I can verify that everything is running correctly: