This repository hosts the teaching materials for python coding warm-up in the UvA Data Science course.
All the content in this repository is licensed under CC BY 4.0.
Credit: this teaching material is created by Yen-Chia Hsu.
Below are the steps to update and build this book. First, clone this repository to your local machine. Assume that you already have miniconda installed. Next, install the jupyter-book package:
$ conda create -n jupyterbook
$ conda activate jupyterbook
$ conda install python
$ pip install -U jupyter-book
$ pip install -U ghp-import
$ jupyter-book --help
Then, clone this repository and build the book:
$ git clone
$ cd python-warm-up
$ jupyter-book build .
To rebuild the entire book, use the following:
$ jupyter-book build --all .
Once it is done, you can view the book in the html content folder using a web browser. To update the book online in this GitHub repository (in the gh-pages branch), run the following:
$ ghp-import -n -p -f _build/html
The above steps will update the gh-pages branch, which hosts the website. Finally, follow the normal git flow to commit the changes and push the code to the main branch in this repository.