bKash API client for Browser & Node.js
bKash API docs: https://developer.bka.sh/v1.0.0-beta/reference
bKash used to publish OpenAPI Specification for their API on the bKash-developer/openapi repository.
Which they decided to remove, for reasons I can't imagine.
As this library was created based on that specification, it is now outdated.
If anybody from bKash (who's related to the decision to unpublish the specification) sees this,
if you care about developer experience I urge you to reconsider that decision.
via npm:
$ npm install bkash --save
via yarn:
$ yarn add bkash
<script src="https://unpkg.com/bkash/dist/bkash.min.js"></script>
const bkash = new BKash(clientOptions)
const BKash = require('bkash')
const clientOptions = {
mode: 'sandbox', // sandbox/pay
type: 'checkout' // checkout/payments
const bkash = new BKash(clientOptions)
// https://developer.bka.sh/v1.0.0-beta/reference#querypaymentusingget
paymentID: '42'
.then(({ data, error, headers, meta }) => {
// data -> HTTP Status Code < 400
// error -> HTTP Status Code >= 400
.catch(err => {
// HTTP Status Code >= 500
// required for token.grant and token.refresh methods
type: 'simple',
username: '...', // headers[`username`]
password: '...' // headers[`password`]
// required for all other methods
type: 'token',
token: '...', // headers[`authorization`]
appkey: '...' // headers[`x-app-key`]
Licensed under the MIT License. Check the LICENSE file for details.