WorldEdit with a magic touch for PocketMine
Special thanks to @svilex, helping me with the schematics!
a total rewrite of the current plugin
Simply this:
- Way faster than its competitors (World Edit by MCPEGenius79), WorldEditArt by @PEMapModder (and its rewrite WorldEditArt by @LegendOfMCPE), WorldEditor by @shoghicp
- //pos1
- //pos2
- //wand (Fully working Wand selections using a wooden axe)
- //copy
- //paste
- //undo
- //redo
- //set 1 | //set 1:3,2,25:5,wooden_planks:2 (randomly chosen from given id's) | //set 5:3 (metadata support) | //set grass
- //replace 1 1 | //replace 1:5,2,45 5:3,1 (replace 1:5, 2, 45 with randomly chosen 5:3 or 1) | //replace dirt grass
- //schem [load|paste|export]
- Commands can use block names instead of id's
- Copying + Pasting relative to the player
- Estimated time + Changed blocks counter
- Fixing simple bugs on //schem load + paste
- spheres
- cylinders
- hollow cylinders
- flip / rotate clipboard
- adding new modes to paste: //paste keep (only replaces air) | replace (default, replace all blocks) | noair (doesnt paste air blocks)
- adding //cut
- Async loading of schematics (Maybe not because they already load fast)
For commands see the This issue