2016 Spring Semester 演算法概論 Introduction to Algorithms course syllabus @ National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C
- Instructor: 陳健 Chien Chen
- Office hours: Thuesday 1:30 - 3:30PM @ EC125B
- email: chienchen@cs.nctu.edu.tw
- Prerequisite: Programming & Data Structure
- Course descriptions and objectives: This course introduces students to the analysis and design of computer algorithms.
- Text book: Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Ed, the MIT Press, by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest and Stein.
- Current course No.: 1198
- Permanent course No.: DCP3573
- Credits: 3
- Required/Elective: Required
- Introduction to analysis of algorithms
- Asymtotic notation
- divide and conquer
- Recurrences, summations
- Randomized quicksort
- Median, order statistics
- Sorting in linear time
- Hash
- Red-Black tree
- Dynamic Programming
- Greedy algorithms
- Minimum spanning tree
- Graph algorithms: depth-first search, topological sorting, breadth-first search
- Graph algorithms: Single-source shortest paths, Dijkstra's algorithm
- Bellman-Ford algorithm, dag shortest paths
- All-pairs shortest paths, Floyd-Warshall algorithm
- Network flow
- Introduction to NP-completeness
- 4 - 6 Homework
- 3 - 5 Programming assignments
- 2 quizzes
- 1 midterm
- 1 Final
- Homework assignment (10%)
- Programming assignment (25%)
- Quiz (20%);
- Mid-term (20%)
- Final exam (25%)
- Class participation (+/-)