Gerbil is an automated hacking tool powered by a trainable AI engine. It was originally designed to be an automated network penetration tester by scanning your network for weak points. When it does find a weak point, it will use previous experience to decide how to attack the server.
Gerbil is still in it's early stages. Right now it's just a fancy network scanner. If you have experience in C#, feel free to contribute to help speed up development!
Doesn't matter if you have a Cray supercomputer or a potato. If it can run .NET 4.5, you are good to go.
To get Gerbil, git clone
this repository to your hard drive. From there, open up ~/Gerbil/Gerbil.sln Using Visual Studio 2012 or later. Compile the project using the Release build profile. After which, check the ~/Gerbil/bin/release folder and run gerbil.exe.
Binary releases are available with each push to the stable branch.
Gerbil uses a custom CLI. See the project wiki on the right-hand side for CLI command usage.
- GerbilBRCS: Remote control software for large-scale Gerbil attack
See our contributing guidelines.
Since this is technically a "hacking tool", NETponents, @ARMmaster17, or any other contributers cannot be held liable for actions taken by this software on either your own or someone elses network. We reccommend testing Gerbil on a protected private lab network since Gerbil does posses tools to potentially wipe/modify network computer hard disks.