First version of Octoduino cleared for release as stable
. Contains major features compared to previous releases.
What's new in this version:
- Shows timestamp both in serial output and logs.
- String addition and retrieving characters.
- Updated error messages to make them more human-readable.
- Critical bug fixes.
- Fixed the manually-cleared swap bug
- Customized build process (lowers memory usage for features you don't need).
- LCD support (for components based on the Hitachi HD44780).
- Allowed building using Visual Studio.
- Added call stack for easier debugging.
- Added generated documentation.
- Allowed variable refs.
- Reading pin states.
- Included constants to reduce SWAP load.
- Added build option for detailed error messages at run-time.
- Guided shell build process (Linux only).
- Fixed bug where PB scripts were using syntax-illegal names.
- Added runtime checks for 8.0 compliance on variable names.
Known bugs
- Arduino does not handle running out of space on SD card or RAM.
- Using the same variable name twice from different script files will cause a crash.
- Build option IO_LOG_LCD will not build.
- Project no longer builds using the Arduino IDE, only PlatformIO is supported with special build arguments.