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Michael Gardner edited this page May 9, 2019 · 5 revisions


Stochastic, Modular, and Extensible Library for Time histories

smelt is a modular and extensible C++ library for stochastically generating time histories for various natural hazard scenarios. The library interface is designed to make it easy to add new models that require varying inputs while still providing the same output—a time history of some value, whether it is ground acceleration during seismic shaking or a wind velocity profile. These outputs are provided in JSON format to make them portable. This is also the current format used to pass data between NHERI SimCenter applications; however, this can be changed as necessary.

This is a detailed guide on what is required to build smelt on different systems.

This section provides details on syntax used in the library and shows how different portions of functionality have been implemented.

This section shows validation for current models implemented in smelt.

This section provides details on what is required to extend the library. This includes details on adding new stochastic models as well as helper functions that may be needed when adding new models.