This project will help us solve rubik 3x3 with give direct in each face rubik and and we will rotate according to the instructed steps
File draft_to_test_range_color_BGR is used to find a range color(HSV) of six color in rubik. You should modify depends on your lighting condition
File Solve_Rubik is the main file to solve rubik based on kociemba algorithm
- Identify the 9 squares of each face and assign a color value to each(1->6 corresponding to 6 colors)
- Find 6 faces of the Rubik's cube including top, bottom, front, back, left, right face
- Combine 6 faces together
- Use kociemba algorithm to give solution steps
- Follow the instructions and complete
Limits of project:
- Depend on your lighting condition
- Algrithm is complex
- Code is not optimized
Hope you like this project and learn more about Computer Vision