Grapinator is a dynamic api generator based on the Graphene library for building GraphQL query services. All you have to do to get a fully fuctional GraphQL service up and running is to configure a few setup files!
- No coding required: Utilizes Python metaprogramming so no additional coding is required to implement new GraphQL services!
- Built with Flask-SQLAlchemy: Code based on the SQLAlchemy + Flask Tutorial examples.
- Runtime configuration: Runtime configuration is managaged using the grapinator.ini file.
- Flexable GraphQL schema definition: All Graphene and database information is provided by a Python dictionary that you change for your needs. Please review the schema documentation.
- Additional query logic: More robust query logic has been added giving the api consumer more options to query for specific data.
This project is licensed under the BSD 3-clause license.
Allthough I use this code in production at my company, I consider it alpha code. If you have any ideas, just open an issue and tell me what you think, how it may be improved, bugs you may find, etc.
- Note: Startup the first time will take a bit longer as the employee database is created on initial load. Look for "Database employeesdb setup complete." in the output of docker-compose before you continue. Once the contaner is started you can start the GraphiQL IDE. See for some example queries.
# create employee db container
# create grapinator container
# run demo grapinator container. This starts employee db too.
docker-compose -f docker/grapinator.yml up
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ export $(cat .env)
(venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
(venv) $ python develop
(venv) $ cd grapinator;python
python -m venv venv
(venv) pip install -r requirements.txt
(venv) python develop
(venv) set GQLAPI_CRYPT_KEY=[get key from .env]
(venv) cd grapinator
(venv) python
Unit tests are located in the 'tests' directory. Integration tests are located in the 'tests_integration' directory.
python -m unittest [filename]