Examples for importing precompiled binary tarball
and zip
archives into various CI/CD build and packaging systems
Sample scripts for parsing redistrib_${label}.json
manifests (JSON schema).
- Downloads each archive
- Validates SHA256 checksums
- Extracts archives
- Flattens into a collapsed directory structure
usage: parse_redist.py (-u URL | [-l LABEL] [-p PRODUCT]) [-o OUTPUT]
option filters: [--component COMPONENT] ([--os OS] [--arch ARCH])
option toggles: [--no-download] [--no-checksum] [--no-extract] [--no-flatten]
note: for this reference script, Python 3.8 or later is required
python3 ./parse_redist.py --product cuda --label 11.4.2
or equivalent
python3 ./parse_redist.py --url https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/redist/redistrib_11.4.2.json
USAGE: ./shell-parse.sh (--url= | [--product=] [--label=]) [--input=] [--output=]
[--component=] [--os=] [--arch=] [--variant=]
[-W] [-S] [-X] [-F] [--list] [--latest] [--help]
note: for this reference script,
, etc. are required
./shell-parse.sh --product=cuda --label=12.8.0
or equivalent
./shell-parse.sh --product=cuda --latest
See example cmake/1_FindCUDAToolkit/
See example cmake/2_ExternalProject/
See example bazel/1_pkg_tar/