FEATURES and Library is same as miso01/SingleRowCalendar but minSdkVersion is now 17 instead of 21
With this library, you aren't attached to library built-in UI. You can create really beautiful and customizable UI and use selection features without hands getting dirty with RecyclerView and SelectionTracker.
- single selection
- multiple selection
- enable/disable long press to start selection
- enable/disable deselection
- set count of dates in past or future, or you can provide your dates
- initial position
- easily observe for changes in selection
- control selection of particular items using selection manager
- programmatically deselect and select items
- check if the item is selected
- set selection
- clear selection
- and more...
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.NadeemIqbal:SingleRowCalendar:1.0.1'
- create layout files, which will be defining how you calendar will look like
- basic item - selected and deselected
- if you need some special items, which will be displayed accroding to your logic you can add them
- special item - selected and deselected
app:multiSelection="false" />
val myCalendarViewManager = object : CalendarViewManager {
override fun setCalendarViewResourceId(
position: Int,
date: Date,
isSelected: Boolean
): Int {
// return item layout files, which you have created
override fun bindDataToCalendarView(
holder: SingleRowCalendarAdapter.CalendarViewHolder,
date: Date,
position: Int,
isSelected: Boolean
) {
// bind data to calendar item views
val mySelectionManager = object : CalendarSelectionManager {
override fun canBeItemSelected(position: Int, date: Date): Boolean {
// return true if item can be selected
val myCalendarChangesObserver = object : CalendarChangesObserver {
override fun whenWeekMonthYearChanged(weekNumber: String,monthNumber: String,monthName: String,year: String,date: Date) {
super.whenWeekMonthYearChanged(weekNumber, monthNumber, monthName, year, date)
override fun whenSelectionChanged(isSelected: Boolean, position: Int, date: Date) {
super.whenSelectionChanged(isSelected, position, date)
override fun whenCalendarScrolled(dx: Int, dy: Int) {
super.whenCalendarScrolled(dx, dy)
override fun whenSelectionRestored() {
override fun whenSelectionRefreshed() {
You can choose between two ways of doing it. If you want simple provide few past of future days, you should specify these attributes pastDaysCount
, futureDaysCount
and includeCurrentDate
in an XML or directly in code.
If you are not satisfied with the previous solution you can specify your own list of dates using setDates
When you provide dates to the calendar you can also set you initial position using this property initialPositionIndex
val singleRowCalendar = main_single_row_calendar.apply {
calendarViewManager = myCalendarViewManager
calendarChangesObserver = myCalendarChangesObserver
calendarSelectionManager = mySelectionManager
futureDaysCount = 30
includeCurrentDate = true
- number of days in past displayed in the calendar
- number of days in future displayed in the calendar
- include current date in the calendar
- first displayed item in the calendar
- enable or disable multi selection
- enable or disable deselection
- first selected item starts with a long press
- using this callback we can observe for changes in the calendar
- this callback is responsible for inflating item views to calendar
- using this callback we can enable or disable selection for particular items
setDates(newDateList: List<Date>)
- when you don't want to use
you can specify your list of dates
- when you don't want to use
- returns used dates in the calendar
- returns list of selected postions
- returns list of selected dates
onSaveInstanceState(state: Bundle)
- preserves selection
onRestoreInstanceState(state: Bundle)
- restores selection from previously saved state
- returns true if calednar has any item selected
isSelected(position: Int)
- check if particular item is selected
deselect(position: Int)
- attempts to deselect an item
select(position: Int)
- attempts to select an item
setItemsSelected(positionList: List<Int>, selected: Boolean)
* you can select or deselect multiple items at onceclearSelection()
- deselect all items in the calendar
You can use DateUtils class when you want get some values from date.
getDayName(date: Date)
- returns day name, for example Friday, Thursday, Monday, etc...
getDay3LettersName(date: Date)
- returns day abbreviation, for example Fri, Thu, Mon, etc...
getDay1LetterName(date: Date)
- returns day abbreviation, for example F, T, M, S, etc...
getMonthNumber(date: Date)
- returns month number, for example 1, 3, 12, 9, etc...
getMonthName(date: Date)
- returns month name, for example December, September, January, etc...
getMonth3LettersName(date: Date)
- returns month abbreviation, for example Jan, Feb, Dec, etc...
getYear(date: Date)
- returns year, for example 2010, 2019, 2020, 2034...
getDayNumber(date: Date)
- returns number of day in a month, for example 15, 16, 17, etc...
getNumberOfWeek(date: Date)
- returns number of week in a year, for example 1, 5, 22, 50 etc...
getFutureDates(count: Int)
- returns a list of future dates with specified length
getPastDates(count: Int)
- returns a list of past dates with specified length
getDates(pastDays: Int, futureDays: Int, includeCurrentDate: Boolean)
- returns a list of dates with specified parameters
- the best way to submit a patch is to send me a pull request
- to report a specific problem or feature request, open a new issue on Github
- follow this contribution rules
- feel free to contact me and send me your app here
- potentially your calendar can be here as a presentation of the library
The library is licensed under Apache License.