These demos are written considering standard practices in industry E.g. naming conventions, design patterns etc.
1. CameraTest :
Capture Image using default camera apps and store it in desired dir. Display captured image in ImageView and allow it to open through external gallery apps.
2. IntentsDemo :
Demo explaining Implicit Intent, Explicit Intent and Intent Filter
3. PagerExample:
ViewPager Example with 3 different type of fragments. Tabs + Pager + RecyclerView and List view under tabs pages
4. RuntimePermissionsDemo :
Sample for Runtime Permissions handling on Android M and above with easy steps.
5. SDCardImageLoader:
Load images from specific dir on external storage using Picasso.
6. ScrollingViews:
RecyclerView and ListView with custom adapter.
7. SharedPreferencesDemo:
Handling SharedPreferences using SharedPreferenceManager. Demonstrated using Splash Screen , Sign In screen and Home Screen