This map was published by William Faden in 1777, digitized and enhanced by and downloaded from Knowol.
The map is still in progress!
is a geotiff file georeferenced using QGIS 3.0, referenced to OpenStreetMap data and USGS Topographic Maps from RIGIS. The reference points are in the Newport-RI-1777-sm.jpg.points
file. The image was transformed using the QGIS 3.0 Thin Plate Spline transformation with cubic resampling. Transformation statistics are reported in Newport-RI-1777-sm_spline.tif.aux.xml
. The file is in the NAD 1983 Rhode Island State Plane CRS (EPSG:102730).
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 United States License.