Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Antimicrobial Susceptibility among Aeromonas spp. from a One Health perspective
Daniel Christopher Jones, Jenna Lewis, Emily Lou LaMartina, Andrew James Dahl, Nischala Nagesh Holavanahalli, Ryan Newton, Troy A Skwor
- NCBI Short Read Archive. Find published studies with 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing done on seafood-associated samples (see ./SRA_code).
- UWM archives. Compile aquatic-environmental datasets from previously published works.
- see Aeromonas_16S_metadata.csv
- DADA2. Quality filter, merge paired-end reads, remove chimeric sequences, assign taxonomy with DADA2 (see ./DADA2_code).
- see Aeromonas_metanalyis.R