A collection of pre-digital generative models for music composition from the period between 1600 and 1850. Part of the music tratises has been transcribed in Lilypond format and emulated with a Python implementation using the Abjad library.
The code is part of publication of the authors for ISMIR 2024.
For a detailed list of musical treatises and their digital images and implementations, visit the list in the documentation section.
Visit the Technical Report for more detailed information about the dataset structure.
You can find all the implementation of the aforementioned treatises in the code-implementation folder.
The python programmes are all available on the code-implementation directory, while the music transcriptions are recorded into separate directories, according to measure and voice type. Furthermore, you can find the generated scores in the local output. The score is encoded in Lilypond open-source format and can be compiled to automatically generate a MIDI and a PDF file of the music.
An example: the calegari-gioco-pitagorico-01.py implements the first tabular system of Antonio Calegari's Gioco Pitagorico from 1801. The directory structure of calegari-1801-01 is:
|_______ output (generated scores in .ly format)
|_______ temp (temporary directory of .log files from Abjad)
|_______ voice (measure fragments of the singing part)
|_______ rh (measure fragments of the right hand of the piano)
|_______ lh (measure fragments of the left hand of the piano)
|_______ gp-01-x.ly
Alongside the code and machine-readable transcriptions of the music, we provide images and pdf of the digitized treatises. The scores are public domain, and their provenance is indicated in the documentation.