This repo contains the code for my experimental robot FREA. This is a platform where I play around with HRI ideas that I have.
Dependencies etc. are listed in the individual package READMEs, but assuming you have ROS (Melodic) installed, you should be able to get the dependencies by running the following from the root of your catkin workspace (usually ~/catkin_ws):
rosdep install --from-path src --ignore-src -r -y
The following is a brief outline of each package - a more in depth description exists in the respective package README.
Main entry point. Primary launch file is frea.launch.
Xacro-ed up URDF files and STL files.
Config and plugins for the Gazebo simulator.
Custom ROS msgs and srvs.
Individual joint value control. cmd_vel to wheel vel conversion etc.
Training environments and scripts for FREA using OpenAI ROS.