Memories A memory sharing application is a type of software designed to allow users to create, store, and share memories, such as photos, and text-based content. The purpose of these applications is to enable users to easily capture and preserve memories and share them with others. Our application includes people's reactions, allowing users to share with friends and family, comment on each other's content, and collaborate on indiviual memories.
Key features for memory sharing platform
- CRUD functionality for users to share their memories
- Implemented real-time notifications using Socket.IO
- Included features such as like/dislike, share, and comments
- Enabled users to easily view and manage their liked content and created memories
- Used technologies such as React, Sass, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and Socket.IO
- Utilized best practices in software development, such as code organization, error handling, and technique like debouncing
Tools & Software
- Frontend Development : HTML, CSS, SASS and REACT
- Backend Development : Node.js, ExpressJS
- Database Development : MongoDB
- Cloud-Based Development : Cloudinary
- Real-time Web Technologies :
- Design Architecture & Tools : MVC Pattern, Postman
Live version