This project is a review of Unit Testing in C#. The project contains UnitTesting for variouse objects like strings, numbers, dataes and collections. In addtion, a review about Unit Testing of MVC web controllers and testing Web Api controllers
- .NET Core 7
- xUnit
- FluentAssertions
- FakeItEasy
When naming your tests, follow the correct naming convention: ClassName_MethodName_ExpectedResult
When catching exceptions in your tests, do not throw them. It's best to log them to the console or write them in a log file.
When writing unit tests, follow the 3A rule:
- Arrange: Get the variables, classes, methods, and any objects needed for this function to work.
- Act: Execute the function.
- Assert: Confirm by checking whether what you are testing returns what you expected.
Make the object you are testing available globally.
- Testing for strings, datetimes, collections, numbers etc
- Unit testing Web API Controllers
- Unit Testing MVC Controllers
- Clone the repository.
- Open the project in your preferred C# development environment (e.g., Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code).
- Build and run the tests.
Feel free to contribute by opening issues or submitting pull requests. Follow the guidelines in the file.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.