I use a bunch of ansible roles to manage various aspects of my personal infrastructure. While I try to make them as reusable as possible, I maintain them for myself. Feel free to use them, fork them, or take inspiration from them!
The roles are made mainly for Debian.
Regarding my workflow:
- Each role is linted with ansible-lint via GitHub Actions.
- Commits follow the Conventional Commit spec and are linted by
. - The releases are automated with
and follow Semantic Versioning. - The roles are not end-to-end tested with Molecule.
- The roles are not on Ansible Galaxy. You can install them from GitHub directly.
- ansible-alertmanager
- ansible-base
- ansible-blackbox-exporter
- ansible-caddy
- ansible-docker
- ansible-elasticsearch
- ansible-filebeat
- ansible-fluentbit
- ansible-grafana
- ansible-influxdb
- ansible-journalbeat
- ansible-kibana
- ansible-logstash
- ansible-mono
- ansible-mysql
- ansible-netdata
- ansible-nginx
- ansible-node-exporter
- ansible-nodejs
- ansible-pgbouncer
- ansible-php-fpm
- ansible-postgresql
- ansible-powershell
- ansible-prometheus
- ansible-redis
- ansible-restic
- ansible-speedtest-cli
- ansible-telegraf
- ansible-varnish
- ansible-wireguard
- ansible-yarn
- ansible-zfs-auto-snaphost