Takes an SQLite compatible DB dump and converts it into a MariaDB / MySQL compatible DB dump.
Usage:perl sqlite-to-mariadb.pl [INPUT FILE] > [OUTPUT FILE]
Best used when put in the user's home dir. Example:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NotoriousPyro/SQLite-to-MariaDB-MySQL-perl-script/master/sqlite-to-mariadb.pl
chmod +x sqlite-to-mariadb.pl
perl sqlite-to-mariadb.pl MyDBName.sqlite.sql > MyDBName.mariadb.sql
Example scenario:
sqlite3 YourDBName.sqlitedb .dump > YourDBName.sqlite.sql
perl sqlite-to-mariadb.pl YourDBName.sqlite.sql > YourDBName.mariadb.sql
mysql -uUSER -pPASSWORD YourDBName < YourDBName.mariadb.sql
This can be used for example, to convert the Teamspeak 3 SQLite DB into a MariaDB-compatible DB.
Props to the original author Shalmanese, who developed the original script. I merely made a few more edits and put it on GitHub for others to use and Develop, since I could find nothing to do this for free.