Atramhasis 2.0.0 is a new major release with some new features and some backwards incompatible changes that require a careful upgrade and some manual intervention. Lots of dependencies have been updated, so please test and evaluate your own integration carefully before updating a production version.
This version provides two major new features:
- It is now possible to have non-numeric identifiers for concepts and collections. The current default (numeric ids) is still supported, but we've made it possible to also use a UUID or assign one manually upon creation of a concept. (#732)
- Creation of providers used to be done with a little bit of code, but is now handled through the UI. A thesaurus administrator can be allowed to create new conceptschemes by configuring a few parameter such as a URI pattern, a provider ID, what type of identifiers to use (numeric, guid or manual) and the provider's default language. We have provided a script for upgrading an installation that was created for an older version of Atramhasis. Please consult our documentation for instructions how to use it. (#744)
Minor features added and bugs fixed:
- Atramhasis is now tested on Python 3.11, 3.10 and 3.9. Support for older versions has been removed.
- Jinja2 3.x is now the expected template engine. Users who have overridden and customised many templates might need to update them. (#747)
- Easier and more flexible configuration of analytics snippets, such as Plausible Analytics. (#738)
- Refactoring of the import from file script, to avoid duplicate code and avoid creating duplicate labels. (#818)
- Update label of default language
to be inline with the normal IANA label. (#767) - Update language-tags to latest version. (#754)
- Stop building universal wheels (#752)
- Minor refactoring of view method to get publically available conceptschemes (#777)
- Added a configuration file for ReadTheDocs. (#846)
- Update skosprovider_getty to get more robust services when dealing with the conceptscheme.