The service wraps SITS R package to be a lightweight platform to enable analysis of time series satellite images via OpenEO Compliant RESTful endpoints.
If you want to change the source code then this approach is recommended. You first need to clone the repository via this command:
git clone
then you can change to that directory
cd openeosits
Run it :
docker-compose up
Run in detached mode :
docker-compose up -d
Shutting it down:
docker-compose down
Force restart and rebuild:
docker-compose up --build --force-recreate --no-deps -d
If there are new changes on the images or Dockerfiles:
docker-compose build --no-cache && docker-compose up
While developing, you can skip rebuilding the docker container everytime. Instead you can run the server locally. Just run "Rscript startLocal.R" inside this directory.
This will compile this Repository as a R Package and start the server.
Rscript startLocal.R