This repository collects the TAPI documentation, composed by:
TAPI Reference Implementation Agreement (RIA TR-547)
- This ONF Technical Recommendation (TR) provides a set of guidelines and recommendations for a standard use of the TAPI models in combination with the RESTCONF protocol for the implementation of the interface between network systems in charge of the control/management of networks based on WDM/OTN technologies.
TAPI Reference Implementation Agreement for Streaming (RIA TR-548)
- This document is a supplement to the TR-547, to explain TAPI streaming and provide a set of guidelines and recommendations for use of TAPI streaming.
TAPI Reference Implementation Agreement - Ancillary Documents
TAPI Alarm TCA List
TAPI Notification and Streaming Sequences
TAPI Delta Document
TAPI Gendoc Templates
TAPI Tooling Guidelines