A Semantic Web stream processing solution with declarative data mapping capability based on a modified version of the RMLMapper-java tool and extensions to the StreamingMASSIF framework.
RDF stream processing pipelines (based on the StreamingMASSIF framework)
Demonstration pipelines
- Kafka producer of random data generator in JSON syntax,
- RML mapping,
- Kafka consumer for displaying mapped data in JSON-LD syntax,
- Automated run through GNU make.
The following quick-start builds the project and starts the demonstration pipeline:
- Install external librairies:
make install-dependencies
- Build modules:
mvn package
(rely on Maven 3.6+) - Start Kafka broker:
make start-kafka
(rely on the bitnami/kafka Docker image) - Start demo pipeline:
make demo-dsm
- Observe mapping in CLI output
- Stop pipeline:
- Stop Kafka broker:
make stop-kafka
The demonstration pipeline is akin to:
Input sample from the MyKafkaProducer
"name": {
"family_name": "Ondricka",
"first_name": "Ewald"
"enemies": ["Casimer"],
"id": 21,
"friends": ["Amely"]
Output sample from the MyKafkaConsumer
component (i.e. after RML mapping, JSON-LD syntax):
[ {
"@graph" : [ {
"@id" : "http://example.com/person/21",
"@type" : [ "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Person" ],
"http://example.com/id" : [ {
"@value" : "21"
} ],
"http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/familyName" : [ {
"@value" : "Ondricka"
} ],
"http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/firstName" : [ {
"@value" : "Ewald"
} ],
"http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/friend" : [ {
"@value" : "Amely"
} ]
} ],
"@id" : "http://example.com/base/myGraph1"
} ]
We provide 3 modules to construct StreamingMASSIF RDF stream processing pipelines with RML mapping capabilities:
rmlmapper-for-streaming: the well-known RMLMapper tool modified for handling data streams. See rmlmapper-for-streaming/README for implementation details and re-engineering notes (i.e. RMLMapper-java vs rmlmapper-for-streaming comparison).
massif: adhoc StreamingMASSIF components for building pipelines with the rmlmapper-for-streaming module and allowing forwarding data to a downstream Kafka broker. See massif/README for implementation details and directions for making your own pipeline!
data-stream-manager (dsm): implementation of StreamingMASSIF pipelines with external configuration reader, including RML mapping rule set. See dsm/README for implementation details, and browse the module's code for the demonstration pipelines used in the above quick-start section.
Copyright (c) 2022-2023, Orange. All rights reserved.
- Raphaël TRONCY