- 多语言, 目前支持简体中文, 繁体中文, 英语, 日语, 并可以自动随系统变更
- 主题适配, 目前支持亮暗两色, 并可以自动随系统变更
- 自定义热键, 自定义热键触发时, 启动器弹出, 并自动输入好预定内容
- 运行应用程序 (可在开始菜单中访问到的所有应用程序, 例如 "照片" 或 "邮件")
- 运行程序 (PATH 中包含的程序, 例如 cmd)
- 翻译器 (目前支持有道和 Edge 两个翻译接口)
- 计算器
- 哈希
- 打开网址
- 快速网络搜索
Available Version
Function List:
- Multiple languages, currently supports Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English, and Japanese, and can automatically change with the system
- Theme adaptation, currently supports light and dark themes, and can automatically change with the system
- Custom hotkeys, when triggered, the launcher will pop up and automatically input the predetermined content
Available Plugins:
- Run application (access to all applications in the start menu, such as "Photos" or "Mail")
- Run program (programs contained in PATH, such as cmd)
- Translator (currently supports two translation interfaces: Youdao and Edge)
- Calculator
- Hashing
- Open URL
- Quick web search