Docker environment for Detic ROS driver. This repository was inspired by HiroIshida/detic_ros.
- ROS Noetic package for Facebook Detic
- Docker environment to execute the detic with Microsoft Azure Kinect
- Docker environment to execute the detic with Intel RealSense D435 (or UVC camera)
- Ubuntu 20.04 PC (22.04 is not supported)
- ROS Noetic (Python3)
- Docker 20.10.22
- Docker Compose v2.4.1
- nvidia-docker2 2.11.0-1
sudo apt install graphicsmagick-imagemagick-compat byobu -y && git clone --recursive --depth 1 && cd detic_ros/docker && COMPOSE_DOCKER_CLI_BUILD=1 DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker compose build --no-cache --parallel
Connect the camera device to the computer with a USB3.0 cable
Execute the below command according to the sensing device connected
cd detic_ros/docker && docker compose up
xhost + && docker exec -it detic_1804_container bash -it -c "roslaunch detic_ros k4a_bringup.launch"
xhost + && docker exec -it detic_2004_container bash -it -c "roslaunch detic_ros resize.launch"
xhost + && docker exec -it detic_2004_container bash -it -c "roslaunch detic_ros sample.launch out_debug_img:=true out_debug_segimg:=false compressed:=false device:=auto input_image:=/resized_image_color"
xhost + && docker exec -it detic_2004_container bash -it -c "rosrun image_view image_view image:=/docker/detic_segmentor/debug_image"
xhost + && docker exec -it detic_2004_container bash -it -c "rosrun image_view image_view image:=/docker/detic_segmentor/debug_segmentation_image _do_dynamic_scaling:=true"
xhost + && docker exec -it detic_2004_container bash -it -c "rostopic echo /docker/detic_segmentor/segmentation_info/detected_classes"
xhost + && docker exec -it detic_2004_container bash -it -c "roslaunch detic_ros rsd435_bringup.launch"
xhost + && docker exec -it detic_2004_container bash -it -c "roslaunch detic_ros sample.launch out_debug_img:=true out_debug_segimg:=false compressed:=false device:=auto input_image:=/camera/color/image_raw"
xhost + && docker exec -it detic_2004_container bash -it -c "rosrun image_view image_view image:=/docker/detic_segmentor/debug_image"
xhost + && docker exec -it detic_2004_container bash -it -c "rosrun image_view image_view image:=/docker/detic_segmentor/debug_segmentation_image _do_dynamic_scaling:=true"
xhost + && docker exec -it detic_2004_container bash -it -c "rostopic echo /docker/detic_segmentor/segmentation_info/detected_classes"
xhost + && docker exec -it detic_2004_container bash -it -c "roslaunch detic_ros usbcam_bringup.launch"
xhost + && docker exec -it detic_2004_container bash -it -c "roslaunch detic_ros sample.launch out_debug_img:=true out_debug_segimg:=false compressed:=false device:=auto input_image:=/usb_cam/image_raw"
xhost + && docker exec -it detic_2004_container bash -it -c "rosrun image_view image_view image:=/docker/detic_segmentor/debug_image"
xhost + && docker exec -it detic_2004_container bash -it -c "rosrun image_view image_view image:=/docker/detic_segmentor/debug_segmentation_image _do_dynamic_scaling:=true"
xhost + && docker exec -it detic_2004_container bash -it -c "rostopic echo /docker/detic_segmentor/segmentation_info/detected_classes"
xhost + && docker exec -it detic_2004_container bash -it -c "cd /catkin_ws/src/Detic && python3 --config-file configs/Detic_LCOCOI21k_CLIP_SwinB_896b32_4x_ft4x_max-size.yaml --input ../detic_ros/data/(image_name).png --output /tmp/out.png --opts MODEL.WEIGHTS models/Detic_LCOCOI21k_CLIP_SwinB_896b32_4x_ft4x_max-size.pth"
docker cp detic_2004_container:/tmp/out.png /tmp/out.png && display /tmp/out.png
We always welcome collaborators!
Please refer to each package.xml of the ROS packages