Seguro, a web app that provides secure chatting by allowing users to create a private chatting room with a single click, and then sending a friend the generated link to start a chat with them without requiring user registration.
Seguro does not collect user data or save users chat logs. Chat logs can be saved only by signed-in users while they are in a chat room. Saved chat logs are encrypted before storing them in the database.
- Node.js / Express.js
- Passport.js
- Handlebars.js
- jQuery
- Click the 'Create Chatting Room' button in the home page
- To save your chat, you should sign in before creating a room. After signing in you can click the 'Create Chatting Room' button in the home page
- If user is not signed-in, he will be asked to enter his name before joining chat room
- Click 'Copy link' and send it to a friend you want to have a private chat with
- After a user joins through the link, the user can either sign in first to be able to save his chat, or just enter his name and join the chat room
- When the invited user joins the chat room, the invitee will be automatically redirected to the chat room
- Click the download icon of the chat log row you want to save
- Downloaded file:
- Admin home page
- Admins can view and ban users
- Admins can view reported bugs and mark them solved or unsolved
- Admins can view submitted contact forms and delete them