#Submission folder for AGDSII - Patricia Helpap
This is a project repository for the course Applied Geodata Science II
at UniBern.
Included are two project submissions, namely for Phenology Modelling
and Spatial Upscaling
The R
folder contains R functions that would otherwise clutter the markdown files.
The data-raw
folder contains, as the name suggests, raw data and the scripts
to download and pre-process the data. This is data which requires significant
pre-processing to be of use in analysis. In other words, this data is not
analysis ready (within the context of the project).
The data
folder contains analysis ready data. This is data which you can use,
as is.
The images
folder contains images that are used in markdown files for visualisation of used data.
The vignettes
folder contains dynamic notebooks, i.e. R markdown files which act as the report submission for this course.
Included in the markdown files are the initial set-up of the projects and analysis required to complete the projects.
The folder also contains html files, which allow visual easy access of the project report without having to re-knit the markdown file.
The project reports for Phenology Modelling
and Spatial Upscaling
parts of the course can be found in the vignettes folder.
The submission for the Land Cover Classification
was done as a pull request to the geco-github under the name PHelpap.