An app for students enrolled in Computer Science at Purdue. Allows students to be aware of upcoming events, company recruitment events, and more
- Category: Education
- Mobile: iOS, tab bar controller, uses API to fetch classes, GCal to get events, usage of WebViews for viewing certain information, mostly table views
- Story: Allows students to stay up to date on current events in CS
- Market: Students enrolled in the Computer Science or Data Science programs at Purdue University
- Habit: Students could use this app whenever they want - if they need to find more information on upcoming Purdue College of Science events, such as recruitment events or career fairs, they could find out more information through this app when necessary.
- Scope: Currently catering to students in CS to get information about clubs, classes and announcements.
Required Must-have Stories
1) Announcements/Events
- Oppurtunity Update with date prioritization (Including Companies)
- Ping website on load and add update to table
- The tableview is sectioned off by the headers on the oppurtunity update and can be collapsed by the header
- The items in the sections are sorted by when they were last added.
2) Organization + CS events
- Subscribing to organizations
- Viewing org events
- Uses GCal to parse events
3) Resources
- Get Key Fob instructions
- Get CS Merch
- Lawson Map
- CS News Link
- CS Concern Form (USB website)
- Oppurtunity update
- About us
Optional Nice-to-have Stories
- Classes
- Tableview of all the classes
- Times/Profs and Curriculum
- CS Tracks
- Use
- Tableview of all the classes
- Stream 1
- View events of subscribed organizations
- Settings Subview
- Add or remove organizations and choose notification setting
- Stream 2
- Announcements/Events/Opportunity Updates listed in table
- Detail View
- Link them to another view with description of announcement
Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)
- Announcements
- Organizations
- Resources
Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)
- Announcements
- Detail view of a webview with information about the announcement
- Organizations
- Tab bar button showing the settings page to subscribe to more orgs
- Resources
- A page with resources
- API to parse classes
- WKWebView for displaying websites
Property | Type | Description |
Title | String | Title of opportunity update |
Date | Date | The date the update was updated |
Section | String | Which section the update corresponds to |
Organization | String | unique id for the user post (default field) |
Event Title | String | The title of the event |
Event Description | String | A description of the event |
Event Time | Time | The event time in your local time zone, offset by the local time zone offset from UTC |
Event Date | Date | number of comments that has been posted to an image |
Resource URL | URL | The URL of resources |
- Announcements
- (Read/GET) Get info from Opportunity Update site for sections
- Organizations
- (Read/GET) Get events from Google Calendar based on existing URLs
- Resources
- (Read/GET) Get corresponding websites
HTTP Verb Endpoint Description GET
URL Get all hyperlinks and sections
Base URL -
HTTP Verb Endpoint Description GET
/Title Get event title
- Admins - the devs
- Add people who can post for their respective organization
- Head of org/Staff
- Can write to an org's posts
- Can create notifications to post to people following the org
- Allows for special posts for people such as Patricia Morgan who could make notifications for important CS announcements
- Student
- Can subscribe to certain notifications from orgs (think Robinhood watchlist)
Milestone 1 implemented user story:
Milestone 2 implemented user story:
Milestone 3 implemented user story:
Deonstration Video: