TMDb is a application to show list of movies on Android, built using Kotlin with Clean Architecture concepts and MVVM with Flow
Add your TMDB API key in the
- Search for movies
- View movie details like release date, rating, overview
- Adding movies to favorites
- Change dark and light themes in the settings
- Works offline by caching data into a database.
- Kotlin - %100 Kotlin
- View Binding
- ViewModel
- Paging 3
- Navigation
- Glide for image loading
- Coroutines for asynchronous operations
- StateFlow
- Dagger Hilt for Dependency Injection
- OkHttp and Retrofit for network operations
- TheMovieDb(Tmdb) Api for movies
- Built on a Single-Activity Architecture. Every screen in the app is a fragment.
- Completely offline ready. MovieDB uses Room for managing a local SQLite database, which means that if you have seen some content already while you were online, you won't need an internet connection to see it again.