The my_paint is a project realized in C language with the SFML graphic library. It consists in reproducing the software "paint" that we find on our various computers. It has been realized by groups of two in three weeks.
To use it, follow the instructions below: Clone the repository by entering the following command in your terminal:
git clone
Access the cloned folder and compile the project by entering the command:
make re
Run the program by entering the command:
Click on the draw button to begin drawing, select a color from those available, and use the eraser to erase mistakes. To save your design, click the "Save" button and choose the desired file format (.jpeg, .jpg, .png, or .bmp).
Features available in My Paint include:
Choice of drawing color
Eraser to erase errors
Saving drawings in different file formats
If you have any questions or comments, you can contact us at: or