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react-component-id-generator GitHub license

This package will help simplify the interaction between the programmer and the automated tester. Thanks to it, we can flexibly generate IDs in all over the project at once, so that the tester can easily locate elements on the web page.

The package works with React components with .tsx and .jsx extensions.

The result of the work will be the following changes:

Initial component:

<button onClick={handleCancle}>cancel</button>


"rules": [
    "tag": "button",
    "pattern": "${componentName}_${tagName}_${attr:onClick}_someText"

Result component:

<button onClick={handleCancle} data_test-id="YourComponentName_button_handleCancle_someTex">cancel</button>


  1. Package Installation
  2. Creating Configuration
  3. Adding Script to package.json
  4. Example


npm i --save-dev react-components-id-generator
yarn add -D react-components-id-generator


Creating a JSON file with a custom name, for example "generator.config.json" in a convenient location within the application directory

  "id_name": "data_test-id",
  "paths": ["./src/OurComponent"],
  "rules": [
      "tag": "button",
      "pattern": "${componentName}_${tagName}_${attr:onClick}"



Key Type Description
id_name string name of the generated ID
action "delete"
this is optional value ("createAndUpdate" by default)
create - creates new IDs for those that do not have them (does not update existing ones)
update - updates existing IDs (does not create new ones)
delete - delete all IDs matching with 'id_name"
createAndUpdate - creates and updates IDs
paths string[] array of paths to the components where the generation needs to be performed, and it also works with folders
rules {tag, pattern}[] rules Rules for generating the ID string
tag string | string[] tag name of the element to which the pattern will be applied.
pattern string pattern according to which the string will be generated.


Key Description
${fileName} file name
${componentName} component name (currently, if the component is anonymous, the value will be undefined).
${tagName} tag name
${attr:onClick} value of any specified attribute from the tag.In this example, it is "onClick". (currently, if the tag does not have the specified attribute, the value will be undefined).
${uuid} a version 4 (random) UUID (documentation)

Calculated values

You can also use someTextBefore__${fileName | componentName}__someTextAfter construction The first valid value will be selected

values result
fileName = MyFileName.tsx
componentName = MyComponentName
fileName = MyFileName.tsx
componentName = undefined
fileName = undefined
componentName = MyComponentName
fileName = undefined
componentName = undefined

You can also set a default value by surrounding the value with quotes: someTextBefore__${fileName | "defaultString"}__someTextAfter

values result
fileName = MyFileName.tsx someTextBefore__MyFileName__someTextAfter
fileName = undefined someTextBefore__defaultString__someTextAfter

Run Command

In your package.json, add the following command to the "scripts" section:

"comand_name": "npx react-components-id-generator --config [path to our config]"

If your config file is at the same level as the package.json, the command will look like this:

"generate_ids": "npx react-components-id-generator --config generator.config.json"


As Babel compiles the React component differently than intended (issue), recommended combining the generation process with the “eslint” command in your project:

"generate_ids": "npx react-components-id-generator --config generator.config.json && eslint --fix ./src"


Component Analysis

Let's take a user creation form component with links, inputs, and buttons. Besides the standard HTML tags, the component also uses other components. Here's an example:

const CreateUserForm = () => {
  const handleCancle = () => console.log('cancel');
  const handleCreate = () => console.log('create');

  return (
      <h1>Create User Form</h1>

      <a href="" target="_blank">
        check our web site

      <div className="personInfo">
        <input type="text" name="firstName" />
        <input type="text" name="lastName" />
        <input type="text" name="phoneNumber" />
        <input type="email" name="email" />
        <input type="password" name="password" />
        <CustomInput name="power" />

      <CustomComponent customProp="anyString" />

      <div className="controls">
        <button onClick={handleCancle}>cancel</button>
        <CustomButton onClick={handleCreate}>create</CustomButton>

We need to verify the proper functioning of links, the correctness of field input, and button operations. Other layout elements like h1 or div are not of interest to us.

Creating Configuration

Create a file named generator.config.json.

  1. choose the name for our generated ID, which is specified in the id_name field.
  2. specify the paths to files or folders in the paths field.
  3. create rules for generating the ID string based on patterns.

As a result, our configuration looks like this:

  "id_name": "data_test-id",
  "paths": ["./src/CreateUserFormFoulder"],
  "rules": [
      "tag": "a",
      "pattern": "${componentName}_link_${attr:href}"
      "tag": ["input", "CustomInput"],
      "pattern": "${componentName}_${tagName}_${attr:name}"
      "tag": "CustomComponent",
      "pattern": "${componentName}_${tagName}_${attr:customProp}"
      "tag": ["button", "CustomButton"],
      "pattern": "${componentName}_${tagName}_${attr:onClick}"

You may notice that in the a tag pattern, an arbitrary string "link" is used instead of ${tagName}, as it may be simpler to understand.

Creating the Run Command

Following the advice given, don't forget to add eslint at the end of the command line.

"generate_ids": "npx react-components-id-generator --config generator.config.json && eslint --fix ./src"

Generation Result

With the following file structure and by specifying the path to the CreateUserFormFolder, the generation will occur in all files inside and in all subfolders within this folder.


We can see the generation result in the console:

> my-app@0.1.0 generate_ids
> npx react-components-id-generator --config generator.config.json

IDs added to file src/CreateUserFormFoulder/CreateUserFormJSX.jsx.
IDs added to file src/CreateUserFormFoulder/CreateUserFormTSX.tsx.

As a result, our component will look like this:

const CreateUserForm = () => {
  const handleCancle = () => console.log('cancel');
  const handleCreate = () => console.log('create');

  return (
      <h1>Create User Form</h1>

      <a href="" target="_blank" data_test-id="">
        check our web site

      <div className="personInfo">
        <input type="text" name="firstName" data_test-id="CreateUserForm_input_firstName" />
        <input type="text" name="lastName" data_test-id="CreateUserForm_input_lastName" />
        <input type="text" name="phoneNumber" data_test-id="CreateUserForm_input_phoneNumber" />
        <input type="email" name="email" data_test-id="CreateUserForm_input_email" />
        <input type="password" name="password" data_test-id="CreateUserForm_input_password" />
        <CustomInput name="power" data_test-id="CreateUserForm_CustomInput_power" />

      <CustomComponent customProp="anyString" data_test-id="CreateUserForm_CustomComponent_anyString" />

      <div className="controls">
        <button onClick={handleCancle} data_test-id="CreateUserForm_button_handleCancle">cancel</button>
        <CustomButton onClick={handleCreate} data_test-id="CreateUserForm_CustomButton_handleCreate">create</CustomButton>