An exploration of machine learning approaches to Named Entity Recognition (NER) including classical classifiers as well as Neural Network (NN) and embedding techniques
This was a portfolio project for a course on Machine Learning for NLP.
Neural net consists of a feed forward model with: 1 Dense layer- relu, 1 Dense output - softmax, 1 hidden layer Dense - relu batch size = 50 epochs = 6 optimizer = 'adam' loss = categorical_crossentropy
Run from commandline:
python .\
3 arguments can be specified (but need not be): argv[1] argv[2] argv[3]
use arguments to pass in path to:
- training data;
- test data;
- embeddings (word2vec GoogleNews-vectors-negative300)
defaults assume everything is stored in local folder. E.g.:
- train_file = 'reuters-train-tab.en'
- test_file = 'gold_stripped.conll'
- embed_file = './GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin'
These can also be set inside the file in the first section.
3 possibilites are available:
- use embeddings (y/n)
- use neural net (y/n)
- select algorithm (initials given at prompt) press Enter to indicate selection is finished
3 options are available 2 with embeddings; 1 without.
(1) tokens and features as data - using machine learning algorithms
- recommended features are (copy/paste into input): token pos chunk stem caps prev_caps short_shape prev_short_shape next_short_shape shape prev_shape
(2) embeddings and features as data - using svm
- recommended features are (copy/paste into input): pos chunk caps prev_caps short_shape prev_short_shape next_short_shape shape prev_shape
(3) embeddings and features as a neural net.
- Features are (no user choice involved): pos chunk caps prev_caps short_shape prev_short_shape next_short_shape shape prev_shape