Resources relating to the UK Gemini metadata profile
The published version of GEMINI 2.3 lives at
This is the place to raise and manage issues
This repository does not contain the GEMINI Schematron and sample files, which are at
Contact, or just raise an issue here.
Meeting notes & actions - on
This is how we use the labels:
Label | Meaning |
Guidance | We reckon this issue only affects informative parts of GEMINI |
Breaking | We expect the solution to this issue to mean that previously valid instances will no longer be valid |
documentation | We reckon this issue only affects documentation around GEMINI, not the actual elements |
enhancement | We see this issue as a request for something extra |
discussion | Probably a status - intended to mean 'the suggested solution requires more discussion' |
Elements | This issue refers to one or more specific GEMINI elements |
bug | it looks like somethings definitely broken; we're advising people to do something that is invalid |
help wanted | whoever raised this issue is asking for help, not (yet) specifically saying something is wrong |
Encoding | This issue primarily refers to the (XML) encoding of a GEMINI record |
invalid | something that's wrong but probably not causing people to create invalid records |
samples | This issue relates to the XML sample files (in the GEMINI-schematron repository) |
Note: overlaps between "Guidance" and "documentation", "bug" and "invalid"
Note: we have not firmly defined which parts of GEMINI are normative & which are informative. Roughly, the normative parts are:
- for each element: the GEMINI id, name, definition, "purpose and meaning", obligation, occurence, data type, and domain
- the general Encoding Guidance page: sections 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 The rest are informative