PHP Machine Learning Rain Forecaster is a simple machine learning experiment in predicting rain based on a few forecast indicators.: forecasted "HighTemp", "LowTemp", "AverageTemp", "DewPoint", "DewPointHigh", "DewPointLow", "DewPointAverage", and forecasted "SeaLevelPressure".
It's just an experiment in Machine Learning. DewPoint seems critical and a great indicator.
I am using the excellent PHP machine learning library for PHP, Rubix ML:
Just when you thought it was only OK to do machine learning in Python or Java :-)
Samples in weather.csv were built from for Portland, Oregon, 1st of every month for 2020
PHP ^7.4
- Clone the repo
- Run "composer install"
See the predictions from the weather.csv samples and the unknown samples in machine_learning_rain_prediction.php. From the command line, run:
php machine_learning_rain_prediction.php
Suggestions for your learning:
- Play with the data in weather.csv to create your own samples. Head to and build a sample set for your city.
- Build an unknown.csv and load that instead of the hard coded unknown samples in machine_learning_rain_prediction.php.
Have fun!