For more detailed information, head out to the aws official documentation. A pre-complied function is provided in the releases of this repository. Get the file and skip to the deploy section.
- Compile the executable
GOOS=linux go build out/main.go
- Create a deployment package by packaging the executable in a .zip file
zip out/ out/main
- Download the build-lambda-zip tool from GitHub
go.exe get -u
- In PowerShell, run the following (build-lambda-zip.exe should be in your GOPATH):
$env:GOOS = "linux"
$env:CGO_ENABLED = "0"
$env:GOARCH = "amd64"
go build -o out/main main.go
%USERPROFILE%\Go\Bin\build-lambda-zip.exe -output out/ out/main
The application is made to work in an AWS Lambda function. Simply upload the zip file containing the compiled function to aws.
Invoke the function with an API Gateway, get the api endpoint. It will be your webhook URL. You can also use your own domain name, check the official documentation for more information.
Webhooks are configured under Account settings in Plex Web App (the Account item under the top right user menu).
Your Webhook URL should contains query parameters :
name | description |
accessToken | Your TV Time account API access token |
username | Your plex username |
Install and configure SAM (AWS Serverless Application Model).
Use sam local start-api
to start a local development server.