As of January 2025, the public repo of Polarr Photo Editor Android SDK is no longer maintained. If you are interested in commercial licensing of the SDK, please reach out to
The Polarr Photo Editor Android SDK is an extremely portable (<200kb) library that exposes a subset of the native OpenGL rendering APIs used by Polarr Photo Editor.
This SDK includes a starter project (co.polarr.polarrrenderdemo) that calls the Android SDK and users can try out the available editing tools. This repo is intended to demonstrate a subset of the capabilities of the full Android SDK.
The minimum Android API Level is 14 (4.0.3).
The SDK included in this repository must not be used for any commercial purposes without the direct written consent of Polarr, Inc. The current version of the SDK expires on December 31, 2024. For pricing and more info regarding the full license SDK, please email
The current SDK includes everything as seen in Polarr Photo Editor's global adjustment panel
Below are code samples and function calls to use the SDK
// render sdk
compile (name: 'renderer-release', ext: 'aar')
// face detection
compile(name: 'dlib-release', ext: 'aar')
// qr code scanner and decoder
compile (name: 'qrcode-release', ext: 'aar')
// qr code
compile ''
PolarrRender polarrRender = new PolarrRender();
public void onSurfaceCreated(GL10 gl, EGLConfig config) {
// call in gl thread
boolean fastMode = false; // true for camera app
polarrRender.initRender(getResources(), getWidth(), getHeight(), fastMode);
// only need call one time.
// bind a bitmap to sdk
int inputTexture = polarrRender.getTextureId();
GLES20.glBindTexture(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, inputTexture);
GLUtils.texImage2D(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GLES20.GL_RGBA, bitmap, 0);
// call after input texture changed
// GL_TEXTURE_2D by default
// call after input texture changed
polarrRender.setInputTexture(inputTexture, textureType); // PolarrRender.TEXTURE_2D, PolarrRender.EXTERNAL_OES
// call after input texture changed
If don't set the output texture, it will create an output texture. seeGet output texture
// texture type should be GL_TEXTURE_2D
// call in gl thread
polarrRender.updateSize(width, height);
Adjust a specific adjustment with value. The value from -1.0f to +1.0f
More adjustment lables, see Basic global adjustments
String label = "contrast";
float adjustmentValue = 0.5f;
Map<String,Object> stateMap = new HashMap<>();
stateMap.put(label, adjustmentValue);
// call in gl thread
String stateJson = "{\"contrast\" : 0.5}";
// call in gl thread
public void onDrawFrame(GL10 gl) {
// call in GL thread
PolarrRenderThread polarrRenderThread = new PolarrRenderThread(getResources());
Bitmap inputImage;
List<Map<String, Object> filterStates; // filter state array
polarrRenderThread.renderBitmap(inputImage, filterStates, new RenderCallback() {
public void onRenderBitmap(List<Bitmap> bitmapList) {
It should create a GL context. It shouldn't call in gl thread.
Bitmap inputImage;
List<String> filterIdList; // filter state array
List<Bitmap> bitmapList = PolarrRender.renderBitmaps(getResources(), inputImage, filterIdList);
return the changed adjustments
// call in gl thread
float percent = 0.5f; // (0,1) perfact: 0.5
Map<String, Object> changedStates = polarrRender.autoEnhanceGlobal(percent);
return the changed adjustments
// call in gl thread
float percent = 0.5f; // (0,1) perfact: 0.5
Map<String, Object> changedStates = polarrRender.autoEnhanceGlobalForFace(percent);
Need do face detection first, [Face Detection](##Face Detection)
// it includes face datas. Just face datas or all stats with face datas
Map<String, Object> faceStates;
// face index, -1 means apply to all faces
int faceIndex = 0;
float percent = 0.5f; // (0,1) perfact: 0.5
boolean needReduceGlobal = true; // reduce effects from global enhancement
// do face auto enhance and update the input map, call in gl thread
polarrRender.autoEnhanceFace(faceStates, faceIndex, percent, needReduceGlobal);
// update to render call in gl thread
Need do face detection first, [Face Detection](##Face Detection)
// Face detected data
Map<String, Object> faceStates;
// Get face adjustment
List<FaceItem> faces = (List<FaceItem>) faceStates.get("faces");
FaceItem faceItem = faces.get(index);
FaceState faceAdjustments = faceItem.adjustments;
faceAdjustments.skin_smoothness = 0; // (-1f,+1f)
faceAdjustments.skin_tone = 0; // (-1f,+1f)
faceAdjustments.skin_hue = 0; // (-1f,+1f)
faceAdjustments.skin_saturation = 0; // (-1f,+1f)
faceAdjustments.skin_shadows = 0; // (-1f,+1f)
faceAdjustments.skin_highlights = 0; // (-1f,+1f)
faceAdjustments.teeth_whitening = 0; // (0f,+1f)
faceAdjustments.teeth_brightness = 0; // (0f,+1f)
faceAdjustments.eyes_brightness = 0; // (0f,+1f)
faceAdjustments.eyes_contrast = 0; // (0f,+1f)
faceAdjustments.eyes_clarity = 0; // (0f,+1f)
faceAdjustments.lips_brightness = 0; // (0f,+1f)
faceAdjustments.lips_saturation = 0; // (-1f,+1f)
// Face detected data
Map<String, Object> faceStates;
// Get face features
List<FaceFeaturesState> faceFeaturesStates = (List<FaceFeaturesState>) faceStates.get("face_features");
FaceFeaturesState featureSate = faceFeaturesStates.get(index);
featureSate.eye_size = {0, 0}; // {(-1f,+1f),(-1f,+1f)}
featureSate.face_width = 0; // (-1f,+1f)
featureSate.forehead_height = 0; // (-1f,+1f)
featureSate.chin_height = 0; // (-1f,+1f)
featureSate.nose_width = 0; // (-1f,+1f)
featureSate.nose_height = 0; // (-1f,+1f)
featureSate.mouth_width = 0; // (-1f,+1f)
featureSate.mouth_height = 0; // (-1f,+1f) = 0; // (-1f,+1f)
Adjustment localMask = new Adjustment();
LocalState maskAdjustment = localMask.adjustments;
maskAdjustment.blur = 0.5f; // (0f, +1.5f)
maskAdjustment.exposure = 0.5f; // (-1f, +1f)
maskAdjustment.gamma = 0; // (-1f, +1f)
maskAdjustment.temperature = 0.5f; // (-1f, +1f)
maskAdjustment.tint = 0; // (-1f, +1f)
maskAdjustment.saturation = 0; // (-1f, +1f)
maskAdjustment.vibrance = 0; // (-1f, +1f)
maskAdjustment.contrast = 0.3f; // (-1f, +1f)
maskAdjustment.highlights = 0; // (-1f, +1f)
maskAdjustment.shadows = -0.8f; // (-1f, +1f)
maskAdjustment.clarity = 1f; // (-1f, +1f)
maskAdjustment.mosaic_size = 0.2f; // (0, +1f)
maskAdjustment.mosaic_pattern = "square";// "square","hexagon","dot","triangle","diamond"
maskAdjustment.shadows_hue = 0; // For blending color (0, +1f)
maskAdjustment.shadows_saturation = 0; // For blending color (0, +1f)
maskAdjustment.dehaze = -0.2f; // (-1f, +1f)
Adjustment radialMask = new Adjustment();
radialMask.type = "radial";
radialMask.position = new float[]{0f, 0f}; // (-0.5f, +0.5f) from center of photo
radialMask.size = new float[]{0.608f, 0.45f}; // (0f, +1f) width, height
radialMask.feather = 0.1f; // edge feather (0, +1f)
radialMask.invert = true;
radialMask.disabled = false; // if true, the mask won't be rendered
// Need set the colorful adjustments
LocalState maskAdjustment = radialMask.adjustments;
maskAdjustment.blur = 0.5f;
Adjustment gradientMask = new Adjustment();
gradientMask.type = "gradient";
gradientMask.startPoint = new float[]{0.12f, -0.36f}; // (-0.5f, +0.5f) from center
gradientMask.endPoint = new float[]{-0.096f, 0.26f}; // (-0.5f, +0.5f) from center
gradientMask.reflect = true;
gradientMask.invert = false;
gradientMask.disabled = false; // if true, the mask won't be rendered
// Need set the colorful adjustments
LocalState maskAdjustment = gradientMask.adjustments;
maskAdjustment.blur = 0.5f;
The maximum conut of mask brushes is 4.
Adjustment brushMask = new Adjustment();
brushMask.type = "brush";
BrushItem brushItem = new BrushItem();
brushItem.blend = false;
brushItem.erase = false; = new float[]{1f, 0f, 0f, 0f}; // rgba same as
brushItem.flow = 0.5f; // (0, +1f)
brushItem.hardness = 0.5f; // (0, +1f)
brushItem.size = 0.5f; // (0, +1f)
brushItem.spacing = 0.5f; // key points spacing (0, +1f)
List<PointF> touchPoints; // (0,1)
// update the real points. won't render texture.
polarrRender.updateBrushPoints(brushItem); = new float[]{1f, 0f, 0f, 0f}; //rgba same as
brushMask.invert = false;
brushMask.disabled = false; // if true, the mask won't be rendered
// Need set the colorful adjustments
LocalState maskAdjustment = brushMask.adjustments;
maskAdjustment.exposure = 0.6f; // (-1f, +1f)
maskAdjustment.temperature = -0.8f; // (-1f, +1f)
maskAdjustment.mosaic_size = 0.05f; // (0, +1f)
maskAdjustment.mosaic_pattern = "dot";// "square","hexagon","dot","triangle","diamond"
The maximum conut of paint brushes is 4.
Adjustment brushMask = new Adjustment();
brushMask.type = "brush";
brushMask.brush_mode = "paint"; // mask, paint
BrushItem brushItem = new BrushItem();
brushItem.flow = 0.8f; // (0, +1f)
brushItem.size = 0.5f; // (0, +1f)
brushItem.spacing = 0.5f; // key points spacing (0, +1f)
brushItem.hardness = 1f; // (0, +1f)
brushItem.interpolate = false;
brushItem.randomize = 0.25f; // (0, +1f)
brushItem.erase = false;
brushItem.mode = "paint"; // mask, paint
brushItem.texture = "stroke_1"; // "stroke_3","stroke_4","stroke_5","stroke_6","dot","speckles","chalk"
List<PointF> touchPoints; // (0,1)
// update the real points. won't render texture.
// add a new point. won't render texture.
PointF point;
polarrRender.addBrushPathPoint(brushItem, point);
brushMask.disabled = false;
// Need set the colorful adjustments
LocalState maskAdjustment = brushMask.adjustments;
maskAdjustment.exposure = -0.6f; // (-1f, +1f)
// need create a mask first follow the above steps.
Adjustment localMask;
List<Adjustment> localMasks = new ArrayList<>();
localStateMap.put("local_adjustments", localMasks);
A independence's feature. No need call polarrRender.drawFrame();
BrushItem brushItem = new BrushItem();
brushItem.flow = 0.8f; // (0, +1f)
brushItem.size = 0.5f; // (0, +1f)
brushItem.spacing = 0.5f; // (0, +1f)
brushItem.hardness = 1f; // (0, +1f)
brushItem.randomize = 0.25f; // (0, +1f)
brushItem.texture = "stroke_3"; // "stroke_3","stroke_4","stroke_5","stroke_6","dot","speckles","chalk","blur","mosaic","eraser"
// call in GL thread
A rendering texture id is returned. It is used to preview the paint path. After polarrRender.brushFinish()
being called, the texture becomes useless.
List<PointF> points = new ArrayList<>();
// call in GL thread
int currentRenderTexture = polarrRender.brushPaintAdd(points);
// call in GL thread
// call in GL thread
int paintTexture = polarrRender.setBrushLastPaintingTex();
// call in GL thread
int paintTexture;
// call in GL thread
int paintTexture;
int outTexture;
polarrRender.combine(paintTexture, outTexture);
Reset image to original.
// if need reset face states
// call in gl thread
int out = polarrRender.getOutputId();
It releases both OpenGL Resources and Non-OpenGL Resources
// call in GL thread
// call in GL thread
Apply magic eraser to a texture
List<PointF> points; // mask points (0.0f, 1.0f)
MagicEraserPath path = new MagicEraserPath();
path.points = new ArrayList<>();
path.radius = 20; // radius of each points,pixel
int targetTextureId;
// On GL thread
PolarrRender.magicEraserOneTime(resources, targetTextureId, texWidth, texHeight, path);
int compatibleLevel = 0; // Range[0,3], default: 0. Bigger number for lower CPU.
// On GL thread
PolarrRender.magicEraserOneTimeCompatible(resources, targetTextureId, texWidth, texHeight, path, compatibleLevel);
Properties | Range |
exposure | -1, +1 |
gamma | -1, +1 |
contrast | -1, +1 |
saturation | -1, +1 |
vibrance | -1, +1 |
distortion_horizontal | -1, +1 |
distortion_vertical | -1, +1 |
distortion_amount | -1, +1 |
fringing | -1, +1 |
color_denoise | 0, +1 |
luminance_denoise | 0, +1 |
dehaze | -1, +1 |
diffuse | 0, +1 |
temperature | -1, +1 |
tint | -1, +1 |
highlights | -1, +1 |
shadows | -1, +1 |
whites | -1, +1 |
blacks | -1, +1 |
clarity | -1, +1 |
sharpen | 0, +1 |
highlights_hue | 0, +1 |
highlights_saturation | 0, +1 |
shadows_hue | 0, +1 |
shadows_saturation | 0, +1 |
balance | -1, +1 |
hue_red | -1, +1 |
hue_orange | -1, +1 |
hue_yellow | -1, +1 |
hue_green | -1, +1 |
hue_aqua | -1, +1 |
hue_blue | -1, +1 |
hue_purple | -1, +1 |
hue_magenta | -1, +1 |
saturation_red | -1, +1 |
saturation_orange | -1, +1 |
saturation_yellow | -1, +1 |
saturation_green | -1, +1 |
saturation_aqua | -1, +1 |
saturation_blue | -1, +1 |
saturation_purple | -1, +1 |
saturation_magenta | -1, +1 |
luminance_red | -1, +1 |
luminance_orange | -1, +1 |
luminance_yellow | -1, +1 |
luminance_green | -1, +1 |
luminance_aqua | -1, +1 |
luminance_blue | -1, +1 |
luminance_purple | -1, +1 |
luminance_magenta | -1, +1 |
grain_amount | 0, +1 |
grain_size | 0, +1 |
mosaic_size | 0, +1 |
mosaic_pattern | "square","hexagon","dot","triangle","diamond" |
dependencies {
// face detection
compile(name: 'dlib-release', ext: 'aar')
Get better performance on ARGB8888, width or height less than 500px bitmap. Better runing in the async thread.
Bitmap scaledBitmap; // better performance on ARGB8888, width or height less than 500px
// Init the face util
// Do face detection
Map<String, Object> faces = FaceUtil.DetectFace(scaledBitmap);
// Release face util
// set face datas to local states, and set to render.
// no need init the face util
// Detected points with multiple faces. Each item includes 106 points.
List<FaceUtil.FaceDetItem> faceDetItems = new ArrayList<>();
FaceUtil.FaceDetItem faceItem = new FaceUtil.FaceDetItem();
faceItem.points = detectedFacePoints;
faceItem.rect = detectedFaceRect;
int detectWidth = 720;
int detectHeight = 960;
Map<String, Object> faces = FaceUtil.GetFaceFeaturesWithPoints(faceDetItems, detectWidth, detectHeight);
The filter raw datas are built in renderer module.
// get filter packages
List<FilterPackage> packages = FilterPackageUtil.GetAllFilters(getResources());
// get a filter
FilterItem filterItem = filterPackage.filters.get(0);
the best value is 0.5. Above 0.5 means enhance effects, below means reduce effects.
float adjustmentValue = 0.5f; // (0f, 1f)
Map<String, Object> interpolateStates = FilterPackageUtil.GetFilterStates(filterItem, adjustmentValue);
// run on asyncronized thread
String statesString = QRCodeUtil.requestQRJson("");
String qrImagePath;
String qrCodeData = QRUtils.decodeImageQRCode(context, qrImagePath);
// run on asyncronized thread
String statesString = QRCodeUtil.requestQRJson(qrCodeData);
Intent intent = new Intent(this, QRScannerActivity.class);
startActivityForResult(intent, ACTIVITY_RESULT_QR_SCANNER);
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
if (ACTIVITY_RESULT_QR_SCANNER == requestCode && resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
if (data == null || data.getStringExtra("value") == null) {
final String urlString = data.getStringExtra("value");
ThreadManager.executeOnAsyncThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
String statesString = QRCodeUtil.requestQRJson(urlString);