An opinionated starter template for Vite.
The superfast dev server complete with code-splitting, hot-reloading, and a build engine powered by rollup.js
Get uniform CSS rendering no matter what browser your client uses
1,000+ free, SVG icons from the Bootstrap project
Elimate dead styles from your final CSS bundle
Get uniform emoji rendering no matter what OS your client uses
Annotate your JavaScript with type information and get loads of benefits
Rapidly build modern websites without ever leaving your HTML with this modern, utility-based CSS framework
The easiest way to interact with the navigator
object, and easily get the client's OS, browser, and device type
- Clone this template repository to your project directory.
git clone
- Or, start a new project on GitHub using this template
- Run the following command to install dependencies:
npm install
- Run the following command to start the dev server:
npm run dev
To build for production, run the following command:
npm run build