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/* SQL-Portfolio-Project to Analyze Transactions Estimation

Skills used: Joins, CTE's, Temp Tables, Windows Functions, Aggregate Functions, Creating Views, Converting Data Types


use the dataset :

--change the column names to lower case before importing data to sql server.Also replace space within column names with underscore.

alter table credit_card_transactions alter column transaction_id int alter table credit_card_transactions alter column city varchar(30) alter table credit_card_transactions alter column card_type varchar(20) alter table credit_card_transactions alter column transaction_date date alter table credit_card_transactions alter column exp_type varchar(20) alter table credit_card_transactions alter column gender varchar(10) alter table credit_card_transactions alter column amount INT

write 4-6 queries to explore the dataset and put your findings select * from credit_card_transactions select top 5 * from credit_card_transactions select distinct * from credit_card_transactions select sum(amount) as total_amount from credit_card_transactions select datepart(year,transaction_date) as yod from credit_card_transactions

---Question 1 : write a query to print top 5 cities with highest spends --and their percentage contribution of total credit card spends

with A as( select city,sum(amount) as total1 from credit_card_transactions group by city), B as(select sum(cast(amount as BIGINT)) as total2 from credit_card_transactions) select top 5 A.*,round(total1 * 1.0 /total2 * 100,2) as percentage_distribution from A inner join B on 1=1 order by total1 desc

---Question 2---write a query to print highest spend month and --amount spent in that month for each card type use namastesql;

with A as( select card_type,sum(cast(amount as BIGINT)) as t, rank() over(partition by card_type order by sum(amount) desc) as rn, datepart(year,transaction_date) as yo,datepart(month,transaction_date) as mo from credit_card_transactions group by card_type,datepart(year,transaction_date), datepart(month,transaction_date)) select card_type,yo,mo,t,rn from A where rn = 1

---Question 3 : write a query to print the transaction details(all columns from the table) --for each card type when it reaches a cumulative of 1000000 total spends --(We should have 4 rows in the o/p one for each card type) with A as( select *, sum(amount) over(partition by card_type order by transaction_date, transaction_id) as running_sum from credit_card_transactions) select * from (select *,rank() over(partition by card_type order by running_sum) as rn from A where running_sum >= 1000000)a where rn = 1

---Question 4 : write a query to find city ---which had lowest percentage spend for gold card type use namastesql; select * from credit_card_transactions with cte as ( select top 1 city,card_type,sum(amount) as amount ,sum(case when card_type='Gold' then amount end) as gold_amount from credit_card_transactions group by city,card_type) select city,sum(gold_amount)*1.0/sum(amount) as gold_ratio from cte group by city order by gold_ratio

-----Question 5 :write a query to print 3 columns:
---city, highest_expense_type , lowest_expense_type ---(example format : Delhi , bills, Fuel) use namastesql; select * from credit_card_transactions with A as( select city,exp_type,sum(amount) as total from credit_card_transactions group by city,exp_type) select city,max(case when rn_asc=1 then exp_type end) as highest_exp_type, min(case when rn_desc=1 then exp_type end) as lowest_exp_type from (select *, rank() over(partition by city order by total desc) as rn_desc, rank() over(partition by city order by total asc) as rn_asc from A) B group by city

----Question 6 :write a query to find percentage contribution of spends ---by females for each expense type use namastesql;

select exp_type, sum(case when gender = 'F' then amount else 0 end)*1.0/sum(amount) as per_dis from credit_card_transactions group by exp_type order by per_dis desc

----Question 7 : which card and expense type combination saw highest month ---over month growth in Jan-2014 use namastesql; select * from credit_card_transactions

with A as (select card_type,exp_type,datepart(month,transaction_date) as mo, datepart(year,transaction_date) as yo,sum(amount) as total from credit_card_transactions group by datepart(month,transaction_date),datepart(year,transaction_date), card_type,exp_type ) select top 1 *,(total-prev_month) as diff_month from(select *,lag(total,1) over(partition by card_type,exp_type order by yo,mo) as prev_month from A)B WHERE prev_month is not null and yo = 2014 AND mo = 1 order by diff_month desc

---Question 8 : during weekends which city has highest total spend --to total no of transcations ratio use namastesql select * from credit_card_transactions select top 1 city,sum(amount) * 1.0 / count(*) as ratio from credit_card_transactions where datepart(weekday,transaction_date) in (1,7) group by city order by ratio desc

----Question 9 : which city took least number of days to reach its 500th transaction ---after the first transaction in that city use namastesql with A as( select *,row_number() over(partition by city order by transaction_date,transaction_id) as rn from credit_card_transactions) select top 1 city,datediff(day,min(transaction_date),max(transaction_date)) as datediff1 from A where rn = 1 or rn = 500 group by city having count(1) = 2 order by datediff1