This is a simple web-based SGPA calculator designed for different semesters. It allows users to input their grades for each subject and calculates the SGPA based on predefined grade points and subject credits.
- Engineering Mathematics-I: 4 credits
- Engineering Chemistry: 4 credits
- Human Values: 2 credits
- Programming for Problem Solving: 2 credits
- Basic Civil Engineering: 2 credits
- Engineering Chemistry Lab: 1 credit
- Human Values Activities: 1 credit
- Computer Programming Lab: 1.5 credits
- Basic Civil Engineering Lab: 1 credit
- Computer Aided Engineering Graphics: 1.5 credits
- DECA (Development & Resource Centre Activities): 0.5 credits
- Engineering Mathematics-II: 4 credits
- Engineering Physics: 4 credits
- Communication Skills: 2 credits
- Basic Mechanical Engineering: 2 credits
- Basic Electrical Engineering: 2 credits
- Engineering Physics Lab: 1 credit
- Language Lab: 1 credit
- Manufacturing Practices Workshop: 1.5 credits
- Basic Electrical Engineering Lab: 1 credit
- Computer Aided Machine Drawing: 1.5 credits
- DECA (Development & Resource Centre Activities): 0.5 credits
- Advanced Engineering Mathematics: 3 credits
- Managerial Economics & Financial Accounting: 2 credits
- Digital Electronics: 3 credits
- Data Structures and Algorithms: 3 credits
- Object Oriented Programming: 3 credits
- Software Engineering: 3 credits
- Data Structures and Algorithms Lab: 1.5 credits
- Object Oriented Programming Lab: 1.5 credits
- Software Engineering Lab: 1.5 credits
- Digital Electronics Lab: 1.5 credits
- Industrial Training: 1 credit
- Social Outreach, Discipline & Extracurricular Activities: 0.5 credits
- Discrete Mathematics Structure: 3 credits
- Technical Communication: 2 credits
- Microprocessor & Interfaces: 3 credits
- Database Management System: 3 credits
- Theory of Computation: 3 credits
- Data Communication and Computer Networks: 3 credits
- Microprocessor & Interfaces Lab: 1 credit
- Database Management System Lab: 1.5 credits
- Network Programming Lab: 1.5 credits
- Linux Shell Programming Lab: 1 credit
- Java Lab: 1 credit
- Social Outreach, Discipline & Extracurricular Activities: 0.5 credits
- Information Theory & Coding: 2 credits
- Compiler Design: 3 credits
- Operating System: 3 credits
- Computer Graphics & Multimedia: 3 credits
- Analysis of Algorithms: 3 credits
- Human-Computer Interaction: 2 credits
- Computer Graphics & Multimedia Lab: 1 credit
- Compiler Design Lab: 1 credit
- Analysis of Algorithms Lab: 1 credit
- Advance Java Lab: 1 credit
- Industrial Training: 2.5 credits
- Social Outreach, Discipline & Extracurricular Activities: 0.5 credits
- Digital Image Processing: 2 credits
- Machine Learning: 3 credits
- Information Security Systems: 2 credits
- Computer Architecture and Organization: 3 credits
- Artificial Intelligence: 2 credits
- Cloud Computing: 3 credits
- Distributed Systems: 2 credits
- Digital Image Processing Lab: 1.5 credits
- Machine Learning Lab: 1.5 credits
- Python Lab: 1.5 credits
- Mobile App Development Lab: 1.5 credits
- Social Outreach, Discipline & Extracurricular Activities: 0.5 credits
- Environmental Engineering & Disaster Management: 3 credits
- Internet Of Things: 3 credits
- Internet Of Things Lab: 2 credits
- Cyber Security Lab: 2 credits
- Industrial Training: 2.5 credits
- Seminar: 2 credits
- Social Outreach, Discipline & Extracurricular Activities: 0.5 credits
- Big Data Analytics: 3 credits
- Big Data Analytics Lab: 2 credits
- Software Testing & Validation Lab: 1 credit
- Project: 7 credits
- Social Outreach, Discipline & Extracurricular Activities: 0.5 credits
- Disaster Management: 3 credits
- Select the grade for each subject from the dropdown menus based on the respective semester.
- Click the "Calculate SGPA" button to see the calculated SGPA.
The following grade points are used for the calculation:
- A++: 10
- A+: 9
- A: 8.5
- B+: 8
- B: 7.5
- C+: 7
- C: 6.5
- D+: 6
- D: 5.5
- E+: 5
- E: 4
- F: 0
This SGPA calculator was created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Feel free to modify the code or customize the styles based on your preferences.