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Moderated Problem Session

Oscar Levin edited this page Jul 17, 2024 · 2 revisions
  1. Worksheets:

    • From a book with worksheets or activities, extract a "workbook". It might have alternate frontmatter, but it should also have links to the original source.
    • Currently the activities element does not allow @workspace, maybe it should?
    • There should also be "stand alone" worksheets.
  2. "Standalone" as a way to compile a fragment, and ignore the preamble when in a large document. (Can this be managed by "versions"?). Related, an Overlay journal: material wrapped around a paper that appears elsewhere.

  3. Worksheets as print with workspace or online interactive exercises. (Also good to print these, but online, they do not need blank space.)

  4. Syllabus: What is a syllabus? Need many more tags!

  5. Worksheet: what is a worksheet? e.g., Name, grade/marking

  6. We need to get straight what all these things are:

    • article
    • worksheet
    • handout
    • exam
    • quiz
    • memo
    • letter
    • standalone
    • laboratory
    • slideshow
  7. User experience: single source file document that is easy to share.

  8. Landing page (this sort of exists, but it could be better).

  9. Using a journal style on your latex (this could go in the publisher file). What is the \documentclass{?}, a journal .sty file. How does \begin{theorem} look (does it have a label?)

  10. Reference/Bibliography

  1. PreTeXt to JATS (Journal Article Tag Suite). It's an XML format.

  2. Other conversions to/from PreTeXt. We should make a poster/diagram.

  3. Cross references when extracting. Warnings are given.

    • Want to make a link to the full version.
    • Numbering when extracting. Preserve or renumber? Levels of numbering (figure for example). Both need to be publisher options.
    • What should the reference look like? Name or number?
  4. Documentation:

    • Reference for intermediate users: what can go here?
    • Quick start (less than 5 minutes)
    • There are multiple sections of the guide that are still "todo"
    • Quick start for specific document types.
    • Easy to find samples (e.g. annotated book)
    • More copy/paste snippets (in vscode)
    • Autocomplete
    • Schematic of the pretext universe
    • The landing page
    • Catalog
    • Interactive features (Doenet etc)
    • Sample small documents to copy/modify. Maybe as templates in the CLI or in a contributed repository
    • How to convert from LaTeX/Markdown
  5. Community control with review. Is that separate from the current repo? What about things under development?

    • Converting from latex/markdown easier than pandoc.
    • Converters from "lite" languages: highlight part of a document and hit convert. Perhaps AI to go from lite documents to pretext?
  6. Lite documents could be yaml and markdown, which could give you lots of pretext.

    • Support people writing that.
    • What subset of LaTeX converts to PreTeXt?
  7. Why write in PreTeXt? Interactivity, Accessibility.

  8. (an expansion of 7) One file is better (in some cases) than a directory with many files.

    • Common publisher file.
    • Think about the Instructor role
    • "Course" content.
    • Create by CLI: syllabus, worksheets.
    • How to share outside a "Course" context (like sharing a .sty file).
    • Start a document with <publication>.
    • You can share an overleaf project.
  9. Linters. Highlight sloppy markup.

  10. Branding (related to "Course"). Publisher file should be Course Config file.

    • Need to pay more attention to the Instructor ("Private Publishing")
    • Do competitor analysis
  11. Assembling legacy material (book of worksheets).

  12. Dynamic Calendar: What is it?

  13. Programming Languages: Which are available, what are their capabilities?

  14. Other embeddables: Penrose diagrams, Lurch, Sonification for data (multimodal), large data sets (see Runestone data file object).

  15. One page output (HTML including CSS & JS). Option 1: Bundle. Option 2: external CSS & JS (but this would need a better way to maintain). Zip files can be done, but don't meet the needs of this use case (sending an accessible file to a syllabus repository, eg)

    • What about google fonts?
    • Is ePub good enough? No, because of knowls.
    • Other use cases: slides on a thumb drive
  16. Put a slide in a book? Really gather all slides in one place so you can share all slides for a course in a single link, that is updated regularly. This is really like creating a "course".

  17. LTI or LMS integration

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