An Etch-A-Sketch inspired canvas for drawing in 5 point perspective.
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For a couple years when I was doodling I would play around with drawing in 5 point perspective. If you've heard of drawing in 1-point or 2-point perspective, it's the same idea: Points on the page represent different axes. Choose a spot on the page and draw lines towards the appropriate vanishing points. The key difference is that in 5-point perspective, lines curve along the x and y axes:
As you may have noticed, compared to 1 and 2 points, 5 points can get a little overwhelming. I was getting tired of sketching out all those guidelines by hand and running out of erasers. That's why I made this program.
Not much to it, either run index.html locally or visit the live page.
While drawing on the canvas there are three guide lines you can lock onto:
- The x-axis ellipse stretching the width of the circle.
- The y-axis ellipse stretching the height of the circle.
- The z-line pointing to the center of the canvas.
Hold down the x,y, or z keys and begin drawing. You will see a line drawn along the selected axis. These key bindings can be adjusted along with a few others:
- l key: Switch between light and dark mode (inverts canvas colour)
- r key: Resets the canvas
- h key: Toggles guideline visibility
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