This repository holds the scripts to collect perfomance metrics from different IoT hardware while running Machine learning Models
Have the board connected to the purdue network. Then mount the sotrage from Tokyo
mkdir ~/shared
sudo mount -t cifs // ~/shared -o username=parth
The password is parth123
Ideally make a virtual env to install the requriments. Also not torch version may differ on the type of board/nvidia drivers you plan to use.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Inside edit the top variable with the details of the run.
# ------------------------------------------------
# --------- CHange this for every run ------------
# ------------------------------------------------
board_name = Board.RASPBERRY_PI_4
model_name = 'inception_v3'
model = models.inception_v3(weights=Inception_V3_Weights.IMAGENET1K_V1)
dataset_name = 'imagenet_validation'
num_samples = 1000
TORCH_HOME = os.path.expanduser("~/shared")
read_cpu_temp = check_RPI_CPU_temp
# ------------------------------------------------
Here poeple not using RPI please write your know function to read CPU temp. Also if you are using different model / dataset you might need to update the way data is being loaded.