Valkord is a micro framework for building Discord bots with discordjs and TypeScript. Valkord uses a Modular component loading system, allowing you to develop or use 3rd party modules in your bot. Modules consist of commands, listeners and other classes that can be customized on a case-by-case basis.
To use Valkord to develop your own bot, you'll need to install it in your project alongside discord.js.
npm install @r6stats/valkord discord.js --save
In order to create your own module, you'll want to extend the ValkordModule
class and define the components that make up your module. You can also optionally add add a custom config for loading variables from the user's .env
// my.module.ts
import { ClientCommand, Constructor, ValkordModule } from '@r6stats/valkord'
import { MyModuleConfig } from './my.module-config'
import { PingCommand } from './commands'
export class MyModule extends ValkordModule<MyModuleConfig> {
public getName = (): string => 'MyStuff'
public getConfig = (): Constructor<MyModuleConfig> | null => MyModuleConfig // or return null
public getCommands = (): Constructor<ClientCommand>[] => {
// my.module-config.ts
import { ValkordConfig } from '@r6stats/valkord'
export interface MyModuleConfigOptions {
my_config_value: string
export class MyModuleConfig extends ValkordConfig<MyModuleConfigOptions> {
public load = (): MyModuleConfigOptions => ({
my_config_value: env('MY_CONFIG_VALUE')
// index.ts
export * from './my.module-config'
export * from './my.module'
The referenced command class makes use of the ValkordCommand
class built into Valkord, which is extensible and allows for custom command handling as well as built in support for aliases, help messages and more.
import { ValkordCommand, CommandContext, Injectable } from '@r6stats/valkord'
import { Message } from 'discord.js'
export class PingCommand extends ValkordCommand {
public readonly command = 'ping'
public readonly name = 'Ping'
public async handle (ctx: CommandContext): Promise<Message | Message[] | void> {
return ctx.reply('Pong!')
Thanks to Valkord's incredibly simple Dependency Injection implementation, you can also create your own service (among others) classes that can auomatically be resolved from Valkord's built in container.
Take for example, the TimeService
import R6StatsAPI, { GenericStatsResponse, OperatorStatsResponse } from '@r6stats/node'
import { ConfigService, OnModuleBoot, Injectable } from '@r6stats/valkord'
export class TimeService {
public async getTime (): Promise<Date> {
return new Date()
You can now reference the TimeService
from any class where the @Injectable()
decorator is present, more importantly in the commands.
import { ValkordCommand, CommandContext, Injectable } from '@r6stats/valkord'
import { Message } from 'discord.js'
export class TimeCommand extends ValkordCommand {
public readonly command = 'time'
public readonly name = 'Time'
private readonly time: TimeService
public constructor (time: TimeService) {
this.time = time
public async handle (ctx: CommandContext): Promise<Message | Message[] | void> {
return ctx.reply(this.time.getTime())
Regardless or whether or not you want to build your own modules, you'll have no problem running the bot in production.
You'll simply need to create a TypeScript or JavaScript file named index.js
(or whatever you prefer) and instantiate your bot:
import { ValkordClient, ValkordFactory } from '@r6stats/valkord'
// optionally import your custom module, or any 3rd party modules
import MyModule from 'my-valkord-module'
export class MyClient extends ValkordClient {
const run = async () => {
// instatiate the client from the Container
const client = await ValkordFactory.create<MyClient>(MyClient)
// load any modules of your choosing
const loader = client.getModuleLoader()
// connect!
await client.connect()
Larger Discord bots may require sharding, typically suggested for any bots in more than 2000 guilds. Read more about sharding here. In order to enable sharding in Valkord, a second file is necessary to create shards of the client.
The new index
file (TypeScript or JavaScript) will create an instance of the ValkordManager
which will handle spawning the bot's shards. No changes to the client class are necessary.
// index.ts
import { ValkordFactory } from '@r6stats/valkord'
import * as path from 'path'
export const run = async (): Promise<void> => {
// the path should refer to the file containing your ValkordClient instance
await ValkordFactory.createManaged(path.join(__dirname, './client.ts'))
The total number of shards and the range of shards to create can be configured in the .env
TOTAL_SHARDS=3 // total number of shards, if running more than one instance of the manager
SHARD_RANGE=0-2 // zero-based range of shards to run on this instance, starting at 0, last shard # should be one less than the total